It was crush at first sight with Osha Waiters. We first spotted this New Yorker’s portrait on Instagram with her gorgeous hair waterfalls with daisies and that was it !!!
Our crush-dar was off the chart!!!
Osha is a triple-threat, she is a model, photographer and street-style guru.
Her stylized self-portraits and eclectic fashion sense have drawn thousands of admirers and inspired 20K followers (+counting) on Instagram. After stalking her for months, we finally had the courage to invite her to be part of our Girl Crush-10 questions...and she said YES!!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
10 questions...
1/ the first picture you ever took was:
The first picture I remember ever taking was a selfie with a polaroid at the age of 7.
2/ every woman's closet should include:
A leather biker jacket.
3/ your favorite restaurants in new york are:
The Clocktower, Alices Tea Cup and Empellón Taqueria
4/ your dream holiday is:
A 2 week vacation to Dubai. I’ve been obsessing about going there for the past 2 years. Got the hotel and everything picked out already!
5/ the one thing you wear everyday is:
On a casual day you’d catch me wearing a cap, or fedora.
6/ you've been binge watching:
I just finished watching the Girlfriend Experience. Finished the season in one day, such a good show!
7/ your skincare routine is:
I wash and exfoliate daily. I try not to wear makeup because it makes me breakout.
8/ fashion is all about:
Having fun with yourself & figuring out who you are.
9/the best piece of advice you’ve ever received is:
To keep doing me and not worry about what everyone else is doing.
10/ if you could invite 6 people (living or dead) to dinner, you’d ask?
I would invite all my grandparents & great grandparents. I only met 2 of them. It would be great to meet the ones that passed away before I was born. I would love to hear the stories about them growing up and how life was back then.