If you don’t know Melinda Parrish yet, let me introduce you to this curvy model, Huffington Post blogger and creator of the #healthyatanysize movement.
Self Magazine named her one of the 13 plus size models killing the fashion game right now. Her positive message on Instagram is so infectious that it will soon be on everyone’s must follow list
Since we are dying to be part of her girl squad, you can just imagine how thrilled we were when she agreed to be part of our Girl Crush-10 Questions.
10 Questions……..
1/ your current obsession is?
Soul Cycle! I live for it.
2/ the best gift you’ve ever received is?
I consider the ability to transition into plus size modeling a gift--definitely far surpasses any item I've ever been given! But if I had to pick, it would probably be my Rowenta garment steamer, which was a wedding gift. I can't live without that thing!
3/ yoga or pilates?
4/ plus size modeling has changed for the:
Better, for sure! And I would say the modeling world in general has improved, for women of all sizes, as it has become inclusive of more body types.
5/ your favorite vacation spot is?
Anywhere with a beach that I can bring my dog, Tibi :-)
6/ if you could become someone else for 24 hours, that someone would be?
Sofia Loren in the 60s!
7/ the best advice you’ve ever received is?
Don't take anything personally. Other people's behavior and words are never really about you--this is true of the praise they give you, and the criticism.
8/ your most regrettable look was?
I chopped all of my hair off during college--yikes, never again!
9/ the one beauty product you can't live without is?
Coconut oil! Super versatile, and so good for you inside and out!
10/ your most used emoji is?
Sparkle heart 💖