
US Orders

  • Orders of $95 or more will receive FREE RETURNS** (Hawaii & Alaska not included)**If a partial order return results in your order dropping below the Free Shipping threshold, a $9.00 shipping charge will be deducted from any form of credit. The same applies to whole order return. For orders less than $95, a shipping charge of $9.00 will be deducted from any form of credit given.
  • Items must be returned within 20 days of the order shipment date in order to receive a refund. Refunds will be made in the original form of payment. Shipping charges are not refundable.
  • Returns made after 20 days of the order shipment date will be refunded at the current selling price via an emailed e-merchandise credit, sent to the purchaser's email address and to be used at
  • All merchandise must be returned unworn, unwashed, in their original condition with the tags intact. When returning shoes, the return will be denied if the shoebox has been used as shipping box.
  • Underwear, swimwear, beauty/apothecary products, music, video, books and items marked Final Sale are not eligible for return.
  • Refunds are processed within 14 days after we receive the returned merchandise. Once your return is processed, you will receive an email notification. Please allow up to two billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly credit card statement.
  • If you have any questions regarding your order, please contact our Customer Service Team, prior to placing your order. We have the right to deny returns if the merchandise returned does not meet our return policy requirements.

Return Instructions
Coverstory is pleased to offer service with USPS in order to ensure quick, convenient return service. A return shipping fee of $9.00 USD (for returns within the 48 contiguous states) or $25 USD (for returns from Alaska and Hawaii) will be deducted from your refund.

Please complete the Return Form Within 1-2 days, you will receive an email with a return label. Just place your items back in the original packaging along with the completed return form and original receipt, attach the return shipping label and take to any authorized UPS shipping center.

We are not responsible for missing packages.

Damaged, Defective, Incorrect Product
1. If you received a damaged or defective product, or, the item that you received was not what you ordered, please contact Client Service immediately at

2. Please have your order number ready to provide when prompted.

We are not able to process exchanges as it creates over-selling on our website. If you would like to exchange an item, we suggest that you place a new order for the item you want before returning your original purchase. This will ensure that your exchange item is in stock. You are then welcome to return your original order for a full refund. Once we receive your return, we will process a refund for the cost of the returned item and send you an email.

International Orders
International purchases are final sale. Unfortunately, we cannot honor return request on international orders. Please contact with all sizing, fit, or color questions prior to placing an order.
In the event that the buyer refuses delivery of the shipment, return shipping charges will be billed to the buyer's method of payment. Shipping fees are not refundable for undeliverables or refused shipments.